Dr. Anastasios Tsiavos

Dr.  Anastasios Tsiavos

Dr. Anastasios Tsiavos

Lecturer at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

ETH Zürich


HIL E 14.2

Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5

8093 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

I am currenty appointed as a Lecturer at ETH Zurich. 

My research focuses on the development of response modification strategies and performance-based methodologies for the seismic design and evaluation of resilient structures and communities. My fundamental research interests include:

  • Sustainable Seismic Design of New Structures
  • Seismic Evaluation of Existing Structures
  • Synergetic Seismic and Energy Retrofitting of Existing Sructures
  • Seismic Isolation of Structures
  • Seismic Damage Mitigation in Developing Countries


Additional information

The courses I will be teaching in Spring Semester 2025 at ETH Zurich are:

Course Catalogue

CAS ETH in Seismic Evaluation and Retrofitting

I am currently the Programme Coordinator of a new CAS (Certificate of Advanced Studies) Programme in Seismic Evaluation and Retrofitting at ETH Zurich (CAS ETH SER).

You can find more information about the Programme in the Webpage:


Seismic Code Committees

Representative of Switzerland in EC8 Task Group ‘Example applications and Assessment of the New Generation of Eurocode 8'

Member of the Working Group ‘Earthquake Protection’ of the SIA 261 Norm Committee of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects

Journal Publications

[J16] Escamilla EZ, Göswein V, Arehart J, Carcassi O, Lokko M-L, Silvestre J, Tsiavos A, Pittau F, Pomponi F, Ben-Alon L, Habert G. Towards net-zero with fast-growing biobased construction materials. One Earth 2025.

[J15] Tsiavos A, Figueiredo Nunes M, Stojadinovic B, Does seismic isolation reduce the seismic vulnerability and the variability of the inelastic seismic response? Large-scale experimental investigation. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 2024; 22:7359-7381.            external page https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-024-02034-4

[J14] Da Silva A, Tsiavos A, Stojadinović B, Ductility-strength and strength-ductility relations for a constant yield displacement seismic design procedure, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 2023; 21(9):4449-4479.
external page https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-023-01683-1

[J13] Zuluaga SS, Kallioras S, Tsiavos A. Optimization of Synergetic Seismic and Energy Retrofitting Based on Timber Beams and Bio-Based Infill Panels: Application to an Existing Masonry Building in Switzerland. Buildings. 2022; 12(8):1126.                                                   external page https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings12081126

[J12] Tsiavos A, Kolyfetis D, Panzarasa G, Burgert I, Stojadinovic B. Shaking table investigation of a low-cost and sustainable timber-based energy dissipation system with recentering ability. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 2022; 21:3949-3968.
external page https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-022-01464-2

[J11] Tsiavos A, Amrein P, Bender N, Stojadinovic B. Compliance-based estimation of seismic collapse risk of an existing reinforced concrete frame building. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 2021; 19:6027-6048.
external page https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-021-01215-9

[J10] Tsiavos A, Sextos A, Stavridis A, Dietz M, Dihoru L, Di Michele F, Nicholas A. Low-cost hybrid design of masonry structures for developing countries: shaking table tests, Soil dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 2021; 146:106675.
external page https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2021.106675

[J9] Tsiavos A, Sextos A, Stavridis A, Dietz M, Dihoru L, Alexander NA. Experimental investigation of a highly efficient, low-cost PVC-Rollers Sandwich (PVC-RS) seismic isolation, Structures 2021; 33:1590-1602.
external page https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2021.05.040

[J8] Tsiavos A, Markic T, Schlatter D, Stojadinovic B. Shaking table investigation of inelastic deformation demand for a structure isolated using friction-pendulum sliding bearings, Structures 2021; 31:1041-1502.
external page https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2021.02.040

[J7] Tsiavos A, Haladij P, Sextos A, Alexander NA. Analytical investigation of the effect of a deformable sliding layer on the dynamic response of seismically isolated structures. Structures 2020; 27: 2426-2436.
external page https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2020.08.016

[J6] Tsiavos A, Sextos A, Stavridis A, Dietz M, Dihoru L, Alexander NA. Large-scale experimental investigation of a low-cost PVC ‘sand-wich’ (PVC-s) seismic isolation for developing countries. Earthquake Spectra 2020, 36(4): 1886–1911.
external page https://doi.org/10.1177/8755293020935149

[J5] Tsiavos A, Alexander NA, Diambra A, Ibraim E, Vardanega PJ, Gonzalez-Buelga A, Sextos A. A sand-rubber deformable granular layer as a low-cost seismic isolation strategy in developing countries: experimental investigation, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 2019; 125: 105731. 
external page https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2019.105731

[J4] Tsiavos A, Stojadinovic B. Constant yield displacement procedure for seismic evaluation of existing structures, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 2018; 17(4): 2137-2164.
external page https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-018-00532-w

[J3] Tsiavos A, Schlatter D, Markic T, Stojadinovic B. Experimental and analytical investigation of the inelastic behavior of structures isolated using friction pendulum bearings, Procedia Engineering 2017; 199: 465-470.
external page https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.09.047

[J2] Tsiavos A, Mackie KR, Vassiliou MF, Stojadinovic B. Dynamics of Inelastic Base-Isolated Structures Subjected to Recorded Ground Motions, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 2017; 15(4): 1807-1830.
external page https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-016-0022-5

[J1] Vassiliou MF, Tsiavos A, Stojadinovic B. Dynamics of Inelastic Base Isolated Structures Subjected to Analytical Pulse Ground Motions, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 2013; 42(14): 2043-2060.
external page https://doi.org/10.1002/eqe.2311

Conference Publications

[C17] Tsiavos A, Towards the sustainable and resilient rehabilitation of existing building inventory, 18th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Milan, Italy, 30 June-5 July 2024.

[C16] Tsiavos A, Sextos A. Low-cost hybrid design strategies: Large-scale shaking table tests and challenges of implementation. 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, June 2023, Athens, Greece.

[C15] Tsiavos A, Methodologies and design parameters that influence the efficiency and sustainability of geotechnical seismic isolation systems, Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (3ECEES), Bucharest, Romania, 4-9 September 2022

[C14] Tsiavos A, Markic T, Schlatter D, Stojadinovic B. Inelastic response modes of seismically isolated structures: Failure of the isolators or damage in the isolated structure? COMPDYN 2021, 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Athens, Greece, 27–30 June 2021.

[C13] Tsiavos A, Alexander NA, Sextos A. Numerical investigation of the sliding response of flexible structures founded on a deformable granular layer, 2nd International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Post Disaster Reconstruction Planning, Bhaktapur, Nepal, April 2019.

[C12] Tsiavos A, Stojadinovic B. Evaluation of Shear Wall Structures Using a Constant Yield Displacement Procedure, Proceedings of the 11th American Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, USA, June 2018.

[C11] Bender N, Tsiavos A, Pilotto M, Stojadinovic B. Engineering Collapse-Probability-Based Seismic Retrofit Design for Existing Bridges, Proceedings of the 11th American Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, USA, June 2018.

[C10] Tsiavos A, Schlatter D, Stojadinovic B. Experimental Study on Seismically Isolated Structures: Can the Isolated Superstructure Yield? Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2018.

[C9] Tsiavos A, Schlatter D, Markic T, Stojadinovic B. Experimental investigation of the inelastic behavior of structures isolated using friction pendulum bearings, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

[C8] Tsiavos A, Stojadinovic B. Constant yield displacement approach for seismic design of structures, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.

[C7] Crettaz R, Tsiavos A, Stojadinovic B. Seismic isolation of historic towers: feasibility study on a simplified model of the Tower of Pisa, SAHC, Leuven, September 2016.

[C6] Tsiavos A, Stojadinovic B. A probabilistic approach towards and evaluation of existing code provisions for seismically isolated structures. ECCOMAS, Crete, June 2016.

[C5] Tsiavos A, Mackie K, Stojadinovic B. Ry-μ-Tn Beziehungen für seismisch isolierte Strukturen, DACH-Tagung, Zurich, August 2015.

[C4] Tsiavos A, Piskas D, Theodoridou S, Martakis P, Camathias U, Stojadinovic B. Small-scale steel frames developed for earthquake engineering education purposes, Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, August 2014.

[C3] Tsiavos A, Mackie K, and Stojadinovic B. Dynamics of inelastic base-isolated bridges subjected to analytical pulse ground motions, 10NCEE, Alaska, July 2014.

[C2] Tsiavos A, Vassiliou M, Mackie K, Stojadinovic B. Comparison of the inelastic response of base-isolated structures to near-fault and far-fault ground motions, VEESD, Vienna, August 2013.

[C1] Tsiavos A, Vassiliou M, Mackie K, Stojadinovic B. Ry-μ-Τn relations for seismically isolated structures, COMPDYN, Kos, June 2013.

Supervision of Master Projects

[P12] Samyam Acharya, Large-scale investigation of the seismic performance of a masonry classroom through MAST Setup, Autumn 2024.

[P11] Optimization of synergetic seismic and energy retrofitting of buildings using sustainable materials, Spring 2022.

[P10] Remo Hüsser-Raphael Arnold, Performance-based seismic design of a new structure, Autumn 2020.

[P9] Andrea Stadelmann, Effect of Long-Term Material Deterioration on Seismic Performance of Existing Bridge Structures, Autumn 2020.

[P8] Konstantinos Leontaris, Effect of Reinforcement Lap Splicing on the Seismic Compliance factor of Reinforced Concrete Moment-Resisting Frames, Spring 2020.

[P7] Lars Hellmüller, Calibration of Seismic Compliance Factors for Existing Building Structures, Autumn 2016.

[P6] Tomislav Markic, Modelling of a yielding seismically isolated structure, Autumn 2014.

[P5] Panagiotis Martakis, Development of instructional models of seismically isolated structures with flexible bearings, Spring 2014.

[P4] Panagiotis Firtinidis, Development of sliding response spectra for simple dynamic systems, Spring 2014.

[P3] Fabienne Zimmermann, Patrick Schönenberger, Seismic performance evaluation of a masonry building structure, Autumn 2013.

[P2] Davide Cola, Design of a seismically isolated building in Switzerland, Autumn 2013.

[P1] Christian Vögeli, Arno Barandun, Seismic behavior of unreinforced masonry walls with soft-layer strip bearings, Autumn 2012.

Supervision of Master Theses

[M10] Lisa Oswald, Shaking table proof-of-concept tests of the seismic behavior of cleancrete infill walls, Autumn 2021.

[M9] Dimitrios Kolyfetis, Shake table proof-of-concept tests of a novel, sustainable and low-cost energy dissipation device based on compressible wood, Autumn 2021.

[M8] Zana Lahu, Practicability of seismic retrofitting in Switzerland and possibilities for synergies with thermal upgrading, Autumn 2021 (Co-Supervision).

[M7] Remo Hüsser, Investigation of an energy efficient and low-carbon-emission strategy for seismic retrofitting of an existing masonry building, Spring 2021.

[M6] Melanie Schmidt, Synergies between seismic and energy retrofitting of existing buildings, Spring 2021 (Co-Supervision).

[M5] Miguel Figueiredo Nunes, Experimental determination of the robustness of seismically isolated structures, Spring 2021.

[M4] Pascal Amrein, Influence of Strength Compliance on the Probability of Collapse of an Existing RC Frame Building, Autumn 2020.

[M3] Kleio Sampatakaki, Seismic Evaluation of existing structures using constant-yield-displacement-equivalent systems, Spring 2018 (Awarded the SGEB Master Preis 2018).

[M2] Nathan Bender, Compliance factors for existing structures: calibration and evaluation, Spring 2017.

[M1] David Schlatter, Experimental Investigation of a Yielding Seismically Isolated Structure, Spring 2016 (Awarded the SGEB Master Preis 2016).


  • PhD in Civil Engineering, ETH Zurich, 2016
  • Master of Science in Civil Engineering, ETH Zurich, 2012
  • Diploma in Civil Engineering, NTUA University, Athens, 2010

Awards & Scholarships

  • SGEB Master-Preis 2012
  • ETH Excellence Scholarship
  • NTUA Scholarship for the top student in Mathematics
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