Nikola Blagojević defended his PhD thesis

On February 15, 2023, Nikola Blagojević defended his PhD thesis
Walliser Bote interview mit Lukas Bodenmann

Walliser Bote interview vom 11.02.2023 mit Lukas Bodenmann zur Diskussion über eine obligatorische Erdbebenversicherung in der Schweiz.
Earthquake disaster in Turkey and Syria — There are fewer options for historic buildings

Civil engineer Božidar Stojadinović, professor of structural dynamics and earthquake engineering, explains the reasons why the recent strong earthquake in Turkey and Syria led to the collapse of many buildings: they were not built robustly enough for such events.
20 Minuten interview mit Prof. Dr. B.Stojadinović

Prof. Dr. B.Stojadinović bezieht Stellung zur Erdbebenkatastrophe in der Türkei und Syrien.