Nikola Blagojević defended his PhD thesis
On February 15, 2023, Nikola Blagojević defended his PhD thesis

On February 15, 2023, Nikola Blagojević defended his PhD thesis "A Framework for Probabilistic Resilience-based Assessment and Design of the Built Environment" mentored by Professor Božidar Stojadinović.The thesis presents the iRe-CoDeS framework for regional recovery simulation and resilience assessment of the built environment. The iRe-CoDeS framework can be used to formulate a system-of-systems model that can probabilistically assess the resilience of several interdependent infrastructure systems by simulating their post-disaster evolution of supply and demand for various resources. The framework builds on top of existing regional risk assessment tools and simulates post-disaster regional recovery of the built environment while allowing for what-if analysis that can shape effective resilience-improving actions. The thesis concludes with a novel algorithm for the continuous resilience-based design of the built environment.