Insights from Professor Dr. B. Stojadinović
Building Resilience: A Conversation on Earthquake Engineering
Strong seismic events are rare but can threaten whole cities. This is why resilience of cities is a major field of research to Prof. Dr. B. Stojadinović. In engineering practice, the detailed seismic analysis and design of single buildings is the predominant type of work. Still, stepwise evaluation of whole portfolios of existing buildings is required to make sure that the efforts for seismic safety are directed in the right direction.
Recently, Prof. Dr. B. Stojadinović had a conversation with Dr. Roland external page Bärtschi and Ravina external page Sriram, two enterprising practitioners at external page Baertschi Partner Bauingenieure AG, where the life and work of Prof. Dr. B. Stojadinović and many interesting aspects of research and practice in earthquake engineering were discussed.